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81 Keira St.Wollongong 02 4226 3777

Barre Attack Pilates Classes now at the Wellness Centre Wollongong 

About Barre Attack

Barre Attack Wollongong IllawarraThe Wellness Centre Wollongong is proud to announce Barre Attack classes beginning  very soon.A dynamic fusion of Pilates, Bal­let and Fit­ness. It’s an all body work­out using the clas­sic Bal­let Barre that attacks those dreaded prob­lem areas — legs, butt, thighs and arms.

Renee Scott, the cre­ator of Barre Attack says:

“Barre Attack is designed to give clients a sexy body con­fi­dence. It helps with pos­ture, flex­i­bil­ity, bal­ance and def­i­nitely helps with over­all fit­ness, stay­ing trim and get­ting toned. Best of all though it’s fun!”

Renee should know, she’s a for­mer pro­fes­sional bal­le­rina hav­ing danced with the acclaimed Ham­burg Bal­let in Ger­many and is also a mas­ter Pilates instruc­tor who qual­i­fied in New York under Romana Kryzanowska, one of the orig­i­nal dis­ci­ples of Joseph Pilates.
So how does it work?

Classes vary from 45 to 60 min­utes depend­ing on the for­mat. As a client you don’t need to bring any spe­cial equip­ment and you don’t need any expe­ri­ence. Many stu­dents sim­ply wear nor­mal gym or work­out attire, bare feet or socks, and bring a towel and water. Below is an overview of what you might expect in your first class, you’ll love it!

Music will start pump­ing and the instruc­tor will lead by exam­ple. Just fol­low them and con­cen­trate on your posi­tion and timing.
Classes gen­er­ally start with a warmup to get you in the mood and allow you to loosen up. Relax, the fun is about to start.
The actual struc­ture can vary but you can expect the following:
Barre Sec­tions: Think mod­i­fied Bal­let and expect to hear terms like 1st posi­tion, 2nd posi­tion and Plié (if you want to read a bit more about typ­i­cal Bal­let terms check­out Wikipedia’s Glos­sary of Bal­let). In these ses­sions you’ll gen­er­ally have one hand on the barre and be giv­ing your legs and butt a seri­ous workout.
Elas­tic Sec­tions: Think large elas­tic bands looped over the Barre that you then use for resis­tance. Fac­ing away from the Barre you might punch out while hold­ing the elas­tic, or hold a lunge while doing an upper body rota­tion. All of this will strengthen your core, arms and legs. It can also be a great way to de-stress.
Car­dio Sec­tions: With music flow­ing dif­fer­ent types of car­dio inter­vals are dis­persed through the class. This should really help with your over­all fit­ness and bur­ing calar­ies and will cer­tainly get the blood flowing.

Remem­ber, drink plenty of water, let your instruc­tor know if you’ve got any health issues, and focus on your body posi­tion and tim­ing. Once you’ve attended a few classes some of the moves will become far more nat­ural and that means it’s work­ing, have Fun!

What does it look like?

They say a pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words, take a look the video below and the gallery to get a feel for what a class is like. Bet­ter yet, join a class at the Wellness Centre Wollongong and start work­ing on that sexy body confidence!

Unlimited Pilates/Yoga/Meditation Barre Attack classes

from $55 per fortnight (Studio Prices here)